No one wants to have to go through a power outage indefinitely. That’s why it’s crucial to always have a backup plan in the form of a standby generator. As there are many models to choose from it’s essential to pick the right one for your needs. So before you go out shopping for one, make sure to keep a few things in mind.
Deltron Electric, a trusted name for generator installation in Deltona, FL, strongly recommends considering these factors before choosing a standby generator for your home.
Before purchasing a generator, knowing what kind of warranty is offered and how long it lasts is essential–more so when you need generator replacement. Most generators are sold with a warranty, but not all warranties are created equal. The length and terms of the warranty can play an essential role in determining whether or not a particular model is suitable for your needs.
Fuel Capacity
One of the most important things to consider when looking for a generator is its fuel capacity. Gas-powered generators can run on a single tank of gas for a long time, but they will still need to be refueled periodically. Fuel-efficient generators are more convenient because they require less frequent refills and are less expensive in the long run. They should also help you save money because there is less need for constant maintenance and generator services.
Noise Level
It’s also essential to consider the noise level of a generator before purchasing it. Generators are measured in decibels, a logarithmic scale used to measure sound pressure levels. The lower the number on this scale, the quieter it is. If you have never been near a generator, you may be surprised at how loud they can get, which is why we recommend considering a Generac generator installation.
There are many factors to consider when shopping for a generator. While there are many other factors that you can take into consideration when buying a generator, these three are some of the most important factors to consider. For generator repair, maintenance, and installation services, turn to the company that knows generators best: Deltron Electric.
Contact us today to schedule an appointment.