Whether your electrical panel has reached the end of its expected service life or requires replacement for other reasons, our expert team here at Deltron Electric is ready to help. We’re equipped with the experience and expertise to handle new electrical panel installation in Merritt Island, FL, and we’re sharing the following tips on how you should prepare if your home is scheduled for this service.
Request a Detailed Estimate
Receiving a personalized estimate for the entire scope of the project is the first step in preparing for electrical panel services. Our team will gladly go over all the expected costs with you beforehand so you’ll be confident you can afford the replacement work without breaking your budget.
Clear the Area
If your electrical panel is hidden away in a utility room or storage closet, it may be necessary to move boxes, shelving, or other items to allow access to the space. You might also consider covering the flooring in the area with a rug or mat to protect it from possible damage while the electrical panel repair or replacement work is carried out.
Plan for a Temporary Power Outage
Electrical panel replacement can’t be done without first disconnecting it from the power supply, so you will need to take measures to operate without electricity for up to several hours while the work is performed. If you have sensitive equipment that needs to be powered, such as a computer or medical device, make sure it has an uninterruptible power supply. You may also need to plan meals ahead of time so you can easily prepare them during the outage.
Deltron Electric is the only name to remember when you require electrical service panel replacement. We also provide electrical vehicle charger installation and general electrical repair work, so don’t hesitate to reach out to us right away if you ever need any of our professional services. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.